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Its real [Answer]
25 01,2021
Google always lied,but ur source of bullshit is complete cap   1 reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
25 01,2021
A few memes here and there about straight people isn’t oppression. Straight people don’t have to fear being assaulted for just going on a date with their significant other. Straight people aren’t getting killed and arrested for being straight. Heterophobia is not a thing lmao. Just cuz LGBTQIA+ people are making jokes about straight people d......   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
Yang (。•ᴗ-)✧ 25 01,2021
"Heterophobia is real" I stopped there. This is embarrassing luv♡ BDJDJDHHXHS   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
25 01,2021
Bro is this a joke? If not then I’m sorry but I’m laughing at this bs— Why do ya’ll wanna get oppressed so bad? Heterophobia? Even my autocorrect thinks that isn’t a real word   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
25 01,2021
Yeah, its usually bias by LGBTQ+ who've been mistreated in the past.   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
mhm 25 01,2021
no thats wrong   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
brunosfatmombussy 25 01,2021
k. stfu ig.   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
25 01,2021
Y’all want to be oppressed so bad   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
25 01,2021
pls i laughed   reply
25 01,2021
Its real [Answer]
Maple Tree 25 01,2021
could some of you please delete your answers if they are about this post being 'a joke'? this post was influenced by something extremely traumatic that happened to my lover in real life. if you wont add to the argument or try to change my mind, please fuck off. i really cant deal with you calling what happened to us (me and my lover) a 'joke' or '......   1 reply
25 01,2021

want to have fudanshi bf

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