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That's not our fault and did u not hear us "it's ok to read if your not FETISHING men. " she was fetishing men   reply
22 01,2021
Girl just say you hate women and leave lmao imagine hating WOMEN, ugh couldnt be me, ANYWAYS I FUCKING HATE GUYS THEY NEED TO STOP READING GL ITS ONLY FOR LESBIANS AND GIRLIES GRRRR BACK OFF HAIR NUTSACK BITCHESSS GRRRR. Ahem...anyways yall want sum sexy nagito pics (the only valid man)   1 reply
22 01,2021
Scotty 22 01,2021
you guys do realize that if we just STOP reacting to the trolls and giving them the reactions they want theyd stop   1 reply
22 01,2021
Sis whatever happened to you.. aint got nothing to do with us~   1 reply
22 01,2021
Talk about biting the hands that fed you. Girls were the intended audience for bl in the first place, and our acceptance of the genre not only led to its popularity, but did wonders for the lgbtq community as well so like.. tf? Considering that the genre is still relatively new and unchecked, there's bound to be some people who mix fantasy with rea......   2 reply
22 01,2021
im disgusted with the energy we have in the courtroom today   reply
22 01,2021
And how is this my fault? This is literally how stereotypes start. It’s like if I meet a white man who’s racist, and then automatically assume every white man in this world is racist... Srry that happened to you, but it doesn’t give you any right to judge people for something they don’t do. Bruh this is the meanest answer I’ve ever wrote......   4 reply
22 01,2021
Lan~~~ 22 02,2021
(Gay guy here) That seems to be a you problem. Yoai's great, why does it matter if women make it? The more the merrier (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
22 02,2021
Um... no thank you? I will read what I want, and I know it sounds petty, but you can’t control what I do. Here’s some hot BL men for you   reply
22 02,2021
22 02,2021
Not y'all acting like what happened to OP is nothing more than an isolated incident and not the pervasive and prevalent issue within yaoi/bl's audience that it actually is. I swear fujos really do have fucking worms for brains...   reply
22 02,2021

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