Came back to a dumpster fire

Professional slacker Professional slacker 2021-01-22 19:22:21 About writing
To See everyone being mean, and trolls everywhere. this is starting to look like twitter.

Um...anyways what I was here to do write I guess

Seth jeered. "You're quite emotional today." For only a moment, Ryuu's instinct was to slap his hand away. But after that thought, It was instant regret and stigma. He couldn't find the willpower to do it.

'Go home.' He signed.

Ryuu was fortunate enough that Seth wasn't in the mood and that Ryuu had refused him. Ryuu had already walked away and didn't look back for a second, he looked unfazed, but he was slightly annoyed Why wait for natural causes to end it?

Instead of the usual way home, Ryuu went into an alleyway in between two buildings. Which leads to Rocky, natural steps.
overgrown with moss. Ryuu quickly went up the straits and headed straight for a while before stopping at a wooden gate. He rummaged through his bag to find a miniature key. The out it in the keyhole and it opened the wooden gate.

He walked a bit further but from a distance, A lonely manor upon the hill. In other words, his home. It would be awkward if his siblings saw his face beaten up, they would scold him for sure. So he had to would have to take the back door.

He searched the area to see if anyone was near. When he assured that no one was around, he dashed for the back door handle. He almost slammed the door, but Stoped it and softly locked it. He slowly turned around and predictably his two older brothers (not related but also adopted) Where In the living room.

They Were both troubled by Ryuu's absence. And had feared the worst. They were glad that Ryuu had made it back, but it quickly faded to worry when they saw his face.

'Whatever happened to you?' Alexandro(20) Signed

'I fell down the stairs, that's all.'

"He's Lying." Xander(21) said.

Xander and Alexandro were blood-related brothers, Though it would be hard to tell since one has red hair and green eyes and freckles(Alexandro), and the other black hair and turquoise eyes(Xander).

'Don't be a fool, Xander, I'm fine.'

They saw straight through his lie because no person can get beat up so badly falling down a couple of straits. they mildly scolded him for about 20 minutes. Their lecture was abruptly cut short with a knock on the door.

The Devil Himself had arrived in the form of a 15-year-old girl.


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