Y’all ever notice how much people overreact on this site?
Like let’s say you used one curse word just to be more expressive and then that person you were talking is now cursing your whole ass family and hoping you get cancer and tells you to stop picking fights (when you didn’t even start anything (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
Or you call them out on their bullshit and now they’re yelling at you at how you’re wrong and it was a joke and that girls are annoying for thinking this way (ಠ_ಠ) and how no one here can take jokes anymore
Sometimes y’all are fucking weird ʕ••ʕ••ʔ••ʔ••ʕ••ʔ••ʕ••ʕ••ʔ••ʔ••ʕ••ʔ••ʔ
its not my fault i like arguing. but i dont try to fucking bring people down, and i try to be respectful as i can. i just find it entertaining, and if someone tells me to stop i do 3 reply