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1) Yes some of it 2) Yes some of it 3) A lot of it does 4) yes 5) as long as you don’t read shota or be creepy to gay men it’s okay 6) making an identity out of reading gay porn or BL is incredibly weird and fetishizing. 7) yes   reply
21 01,2021
> yes > yes > for the most part i’d say it *does* perpetuate a lot of stereotypes. yaoi itself certainly is very problematic for a plethora of reasons but fujo’s are far worse. > yes > yes, i’m sure everyone knows reality and fiction are two different things. But what people fail to realize is fictions ability to influence reality. Which ......   reply
21 01,2021
1.- yeah 2.- yes as long as you dont fetish 3.- most do because of the way they represent the relationship but some dont and present the relationship really nicely 4.- ofc 5.- as long as you know the line between them yes 6.- because of the background behind the word 7.- yeah   reply
21 01,2021
1.yes but is bl not yaoi so I'm going to use bl 2. It is but if you fetishize it don't 3. some do but some don't 4.yes 5.yes 6.idk ask the smart people 7.idk I'm not sure if these answers are correct but I just answered how I wanted   reply
21 01,2021
1 . for me its a yes 2. yes absolutely 3. I dont think so 4. honey absolutely yes 5. yes but we need to know theres some differences in yaoi world and reality 6. im not pretty sure why but to Japanese people , if you're a fujoshi they gonna look down upon you cause thats something that you should not people about because some people might weird ou......   reply
21 01,2021
6. Calling yourself a fujoshi is controversial because fujoshi are generally recognized and known for fetishizing and basically seeing gay people as objects. So considering yourself one would be like saying, “Oh, yeah, I fetishize too.” Or at least this is what I think.   reply
21 01,2021
I'm fudanshi, is it okay to answer this? if yes, then here's my answer. 1.) Is it okay to read stuff here under the yaoi genre? A: There's totally nothing wrong with it. 2.) Is it okay to read yaoi at all? A: same answer as No.1 3.) Does yaoi fetishize gay relationships? A: Depends on the storyline and the author. It's also depends on YOU......   reply
24 01,2021
To everyone who answered: thank you so much you've all been very helpful and I appreciate it!   reply
21 01,2021
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes and no. Some authors do too much. 4. YES, if you fetishize it, then fuck u 5. YES, this is important. Don’t go around and call mlm semes and ukes or whatever, it’s cringe and disrespectful. Treat mlm like you would normally treat a person 6. I think it’s because some fujos who are very dumb and act like mlm are bl charac......   reply
21 01,2021