I've had a total of 30 cats since 2010 and now I have 4. We adopted several ( they were young af like maybe 2 days old for the youngest and the oldest we got was 1 month old for the cats we took care of until they died). The 4 we have now includes: Ming, the one-eyed 5 yr old; Lai-Lai, the green-eyed fab crook-tail; Lucky, the cross-eyed un-neutered cat; and Gremlin, the fat, only non-all-white coat cat we have with a bottomless stomach.
We adopted Ming from an Italian stand in a university near us. Lai-Lai is the daughter of one of our adopted cats. I adopted Lucky back in 2016, and Gremlin is the daughter of Batman, which I adopted along with Lucky back in 2016. I use my allowance for everything except the food but yeahhhh I love Gremlin the most.
this is Lai-Lai