why are BL covers so sexual? + rant on fujos
Compared to many romance genre on there, BL covers seem the most sexual, why is that??? the fetishization....
Also little rant, i don't feel welcome in the BL community
it feels like it's not for me, like those BLs are not for me, before anyone says ' well romance is targeted toward women' then why do like romance gay movies?? who are many time written by actual gay men? like i don't feel represented in those BL, those comics or whatever that stuff is, i can't stomach seeing rape in BL, but yet all those girls are okay with it?? but yet i know if u saw that in a non bl romance manga you guys will run to twitter and make a thread on it, like if u are a woman, and u read BL and then see toxic or rapey stuff in it you need to drop it, u have the louder voices in the community so stop uplifting BLS with rape in it, then get mad when MLM complain about it? like that's your fault.
There is a reason why i have to bone pick my BLs, yet most girls on here when it comes to BL seem to be reading ANYTHING (it could be animals doing it) y'all are as bad as straight men (esp when it comes to shota)
because it's obviously there for your pleasures and not mine, BLS would be so much more fun if they were written more by mlm or atleast by women who know about MLM culture , like i could relate to so many things, cry over so many things that happened IRL, like i'm not crying anymore to the 'people don't accept him' trope it's overplayed and can be written by anyone at this point.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with the......
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19 01,2021