Weird World building idea: Noonuia (weirdest name yet)
Noonuia (It's pronounced Noon and then yuh but I write this down because I will never remember) The 4th largest nation is Tavern (but It's more the size of Alaska so compared to Solaria very small)
Noonuia is what I would call a combination of cultures but the only reason this is important to the wried story in my head is because of the two people who live there. Noonin people speak Tiqanl (French essentially just with a few other words) And It's a very dark woods like terrain. (very creepy at night) Abandon wood houses everywhere you look. whole abandoned cities. They have no emperor or anything like that they do have leaders within their own community like 'Madame' the leader of the Elizadan house. and she is in charge of the Elizadan territory and everything under it. But the house with the most territory is the Nero house. (Almost half the country in fact) This power system if you haven't guess fails quite a lot with a lot of power struggles, fights, and unnecessary bloodshed over territory and leaders.
Most Pure Noonin's Are beast-men(but most of them look human anyway so- with the smallest population of humans being only about 1,000. A huge epidemic Of the flower disease has swept 2/3 of Noonia's population. (add autumn's mother to the list)
Everyone is to stay away from each other and people are now a rare cite. in some cities, if you were in contact with someone with the desire you are not allowed in. the situation is dire there the flower disease has wiped out entire houses people in Nooniua are always afraid that they will be the disease, next victim.
Anyway, some light-hearted stuff. in my opinion, the only reason I care about Nooniua is because of the 1 person, and 1 thing that lives there.
1st person would be Autumn Hawthrone who is the great-grandaughter of the leader of the Elizadan house. And Is very special She Is the reincarnation (the stupidest name I've ever made) And Is probably the only reincarnation person on earth that still has all the memories of her past life intact. which is why she was an intelligent kid and knows about Mizuki's (Character I may or may never talk about) plan. but never does anything about it because it has nothing to do with her and she doesn't know the full extent of it was just something she remembered hearing before.
even if she is millions of years old she still acts like a teenager, Being that because her parents figured out almost imeddtily after she was born she may have a connection to the wolf of the garden (One eye was black the other amber, while her father has amber eyes no one in Nooniua has black eyes and it would be impossible for the baby not to be his, also maybe the glowing garden was a hint to) this lantern that she owns can find the garden of the gods, in fact, it's the only way to find it because it was made to guide spirits, and the gods to the gate. this lantern can find really anything as long as it knows what it's looking for. (like say you lost your hat Autumn can command it to go fin you hat and it will float it's self over to it) Autumn can conjure the lantern out of thin air, she can enlarge it, make it smaller, wider, and she uses it as a means for transpositions since she can make it big enough to ride on. And this is just a thought but I want to make the garden be able to absorb things and keep them are vanishing once absorbed. like other humans being able to get into it and inside it huge or something. but she can't get in herself.
(also she's best friends with jiru, and they are commonly mistaken for being a couple, even Ying Yue who is one of her closest best friends was like "If I wasn't their friends I would have assumed they were dating.")
And finally, the Oracle, to put it short the oracle is like a bunny (but not really it's confusing) And google, but if google had you pay in bribes for answers. and the answers are most likely "Well, The Gods never said anything about it, I'm not will to get the info for it, So No, go away, I'm heading to bed."
OMG I almost forgot there is a higher percentage of magic people in Nooniua because magic is fairly more common in other species and not humans. (so in other words it more likely that you have magic if you are not a human)
bye bye (I never finished the Sloria thing so I move on to the other kingdoms because I'm getting bored)