I just remembered this one I was on Discord and I stumbled across some homophobes. At the time I had the couple from Shiawase Gohan - Maki to Hanazawa as my profile picture. And while we were arguing they said I fetishize gay men because of my pfp. Then they blocked me :D So I went to rant about how stupid they are to this one person I knew for a while and this was the convo I had with them:
me: “They accused me of fetishizing just because of my pfp lmao ☠“ them: “fr like i know already, you don’t have to remind me”
s-sis what :D and that’s when i realized a lot of my friends on discord fetishized gay men.
can someone please explain the word “fetishizing” to me? i read bl, i mean i don’t think it’s arousing or anything, but i don’t get how you can fetishize it? like um... i don’t have a problem with anyone, but this is confusing. i saw the thing where “don’t real bl as a girl” but i didn’t understand it. someone explain the fetish...... 1 reply
Wait, how are they homophobic, 'cause saying you were fetishizing gay men, whether they were right or not, is literally the opposite of that... 2 reply