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i cant give u no advise because i am u XD (tbh i just cheated off my A+ freind towards the end )   reply
13 01,2021
You know what’s sad, I’m procrastinating by reading these answer, lOrd help me.   1 reply
13 01,2021
UNINSTALL GOOGLE CHROME.. UNINSTALL GOOGLE.. UNINSTALL YOUR PHONE.. UNINSTALL YOUR LAPTOP.... LIKE FR but on a serious note idk if this would be helpful for you.. if you can pull all nighters do them now as if your life depends on it. Also do the most hardest subject first and copy it off the internet or your friends.. just do it as fast as you can......   reply
13 01,2021
You have a couple days, focus on passing, get your shit together you can’t afford to procrastinate, you can do it!!!   1 reply
13 01,2021
I'm dumb as hell but maybe i can help you a lil bit? you are in collage, senior highschool or junior high school?   1 reply
13 01,2021
Pull out the router or lose the password to the internet and ask someone on your family member to give it only AFTER you've done your work. Do it now, Jesus man you're just in 8th grade too. That goes for the test of you kids too! don't fuck up your life for some pretty pictures, go do your assignments.   reply
13 01,2021
Probably do the ones that are projects or are worth 100 first but damn (⊙…⊙ )   reply
13 01,2021
hi i was legit in the same situation a while ago and had a bajillion missing assignments while its sad ;_;, the only way i caught up was taking a break from mangago alltogether- it took a few weeks but im b a c k and it was worth it however since ur stuff is due sooner, i would recommend getting off this site in the few days you have left and jus......   reply
13 01,2021
OKAY, here is what I do (although i am behind atm, sis is in the hospital lol). Find the biggest, longest assignments, plan what you are going to do for them, what info needs to be in them, and get a few recourses ready. Then devide that assignment into manageable pieces. After that find your smaller assignments, stuff that takes >2-3. NOW, THIS NE......   reply
13 01,2021
Find a good Lofi playlist and just spend all night and all day doing them(lofi rlly helps me concentrate), make sure your phone is either dead or in another room. Remember to take breaks but not to often. Hope this helps, I don’t have any missing assignments since the semesters ab to end but I did have almost 60 earlier and that rlly helped me.......   reply
15 01,2021

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