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The weirdest dream I ever had was when I was 5. In the dream, me and my mom were in the care driving down a deserted road in the country. Everything was brown. Like not black and white but brown. And as we kelt going along thw road, trees started chasing us and they even had fucking creepy ass faces. And they kept chasing us until we arrived at a l......   reply
13 01,2021
I’ve had tons of strange dreams but my most memorable is the dream of this entry down below. Now, I’ve got plenty more, like the one where I murdered an innocent girl in my dream as a 14 year old boy I did not know. It was so horrifying to be able to perfectly envision her screams, the scratch marks she left in my arms, the warm blood, and, o......   1 reply
13 01,2021
i was at my grandparents house and suddenly my cousin is in cocoon and like 6 mins after he turned into a butterfly is was probably one of the scariest nightmares ive ever had   reply
13 01,2021
So, in my dream i went back to my high school for the reunion. Most of my classmates were there. But the students who were currently studying were all so distant and kind of very suspicious. U know how they describe in manga, their eyes were gleaming in hunger? Yeah that's what it exactly is. So, we all went to meet our teachers. They were cool a......   reply
13 01,2021
I think the weirdest dream I've ever had was like 2 days ago. I remember I was at a highschool (fyi, im in middle school 7th grade right now) and I was waiting for a friend to get out of the bathroom so I sat down in a criss cross apple sauce postion against the wall and two girls come up towards me, with a little chubby body type one had short bob......   reply
13 01,2021
i had a dream where my sister and i were taken away to a weird lab and while we were hiding from the insane scientists we uh... we started making out and doing a little yuri stuff... best part was when i woke up i found my laptop open on my lap reading a yuri twinsest one shot so its thats fault im not entirely messed up...   reply
13 01,2021
a long ass time ago i had multiple dreams about having a cat. I would give the cat water, food, toys, etc. But it would stay still and wouldn't move, as a result it would die. I think i had those dreams cause my parents told be i wouldn't be responsible enough to take care of a cat- i agree with them now tbh   1 reply
13 01,2021
so i had a dream where i was in my elementary school and in a classroom ive never seen but it my fourth grade teacher teaching a lesson in this classroom n i was playing on the carpet w this girl i wanted to b friends w my dad picked me up early n for some rzn my brother n his gf were in the office talking to the staff n the entrance area there wer......   reply
13 01,2021
Short dreams: I fall from a high building or escalator. Nightmares which I sweat or am stressed when I woke up: I was walking in the basement carpark of a Shopping mall, together with my family which include my dad, mum and younger sister. It was deadly silent, to the point its creepy. We all got into the car and Dad started driving. I look at th......   reply
13 01,2021

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