Art Challenge (the long description may look intimidating, just read pls you'll see)
I've seen these art challenge things and I wanna see how you guys choose to draw my ocs. (btw you can draw all, multiple, or just one. And also they are all male except for one, which is made obvious)
Liam Gray:
Facial features: -Maroon upturned eyes with sharp angular lashes-A long, upturned nose-Fair skin-Peachy red full lips-Teeth are sharp excluding molars-Mostly rectangular face shape but with more of a defined and pointed jawline-
Other features: -Thick, long, shaggy, and messy crimson hair-Fluffy wolf ears-Eyebrow, lip, and nose ring-Two piercings on his right ear and one on the left-All piercings are black-Black shock collar-Thick and fluffy crimson tail-Very slender yet muscular, kind of like a marathon runner-
Clothing: -Short sleeve white crop top with thin black stripes-Blue jean shorts-black and white converse-
Alexander Claws:
Facial features: -Big, round, golden sun yellow eyes-long eyelashes-Button nose-Pink cheeks-Full strawberry pink lips-
Other features: -Narrow shoulders-Tiny waist-Thighs slightly wider than the average males-Strawberry blonde hair that goes all the way to calves, and part of hair cascades down shoulders-Really long bangs-Simple white choker-Round, clear framed reading glasses when reading-
Clothing: School Uniform: -Long sleeve, white button up, collared shirt-Red tie-Black slacks-Brown dress shoes-
Jamie Morningstar and Dr.Grass, let it be mentioned that Jamie can't walk or stand and doesn't use a wheelchair or anything of the sort: Jamie has vantablack irides, but his pupils and eye whites are completely normal, like any other human. Dr.Grass has striking green eyes. (Pupil and eye whites are normal too XD)
Other features of his are Jamie’s shaggy hair that ends at the bottom of the back of his head and he has split bangs hanging low over his eyebrows. He also has Black fluffy dog ears, most resembling the Swedish Vallhund’s ears. Jamie has a black collar with a chain leash, and there is a bruise going fully around his neck under his collar. Finally, he has a black fluffy tail most resembling a fox’s minus the white at the end. Dr.Grass has slicked back, light burgundy colored hair, and rectangular glasses.
Jamie wears a red beanie to hide his ears and just for fashion and convenience wears a maroon hoodie, faded blue jeans, and white sneakers which used to come in handy when he could run. Dr.Grass has a dark gray half-buttoned jacket with lapels, and an all the way buttoned-up white formal shirt with a dark gray tie, along with formal dark gray pants and formal black shoes.
Shuvi Augustus Thefiel: Facial features: -Bright, pineapple yellow eyes-Thin, upturned nose-Softly arched eyebrows-Thin lips-Black (the colour) skin-Freckles a dark enough shade of black that they show up on skin-Teeth are all sharp besides molars-
Other features: -White goat ears-Long long bright white hair that stands out, that goes all the way to lower back and is placed over shoulders-Shackle around his neck with a chain attached to it-White devil tail-
Clothing: -Wears a borrowed uniform-The uniform is a white, long sleeve, collared button up-Red tie-Blue uniform jacket-Black slacks-Brown dress shoes-
Geet Richardson: Facial features: A faded desaturated shade of blue eye color, pale with undertones of a light sickly green skin, thin chapped lips, and flaky skin.
Other features: He is extremely scrawny and underweight, he has flaking off skin going up from his hands to his elbows on both arms top and bottom, the color sickly greenish-black and with slight grays in someplace that look like they are basically rotting away. He has a mop of messy salt and pepper hair, as well as big round prescription glasses that he is blind as a bat without.
Clothing: A huge black hoodie extremely big on his tiny body, with big pockets and super long sleeves as well. He wears a pair of baggy black sweatpants and comfortable black walking shoes. He always has the hood on his head. And even more, he wears black gloves that fit perfectly around his long slender and delicate fingers because it is tailor-made just for him. On top of all of that getup, he wears a black mask. (Half face mask)
Zachary καρχαρίας: Facial features: Red eyes, a scar on the right eye from above the upper eyelid to below the lower eyelid, tan skin, full lips, a square face shape, except with a slightly sharper jawline. A long tongue that goes barely a centimeter below the chin and all sharp teeth much like a shark or a piranha.
Other features: Black hair dyed violet at the end (like a pinker shade of violet) and long thick bangs over the right eye. Has a black shock collar.
Clothing: white undershirt. An orange zipped up prison jumpsuit. White sneakers.
Joanna Smith: Facial features: He has a chiseled jawline and a perfectly sculpted face, as well as sparkling hazel eyes with long eyelashes, and his lips are full. Even his eyebrows are perfect. The only imperfection is a small birthmark on his lower eyelid of his right eye and a little bit further down, that resembles a burn mark from something like a straightening iron. He also grows stubble very quickly, but he shaves pretty much every morning he sees it.
Other features: He has brown hair with chestnut highlights, in a Saint Algue haircut.
Clothing: He typically wears some sort of fancy suit, his favorite to wear is one with a navy blue jacket and slacks, a white dress shirt with a few buttons undone, and black dress shoes.
Jason Sol: Hair Style: Shaggy hair that ends at the bottom of the back of his head and he has two long parts of his bangs on the far left and right, the rest being spiky and short in the middle of the two long bangs.
Hair color: Ash blonde fading into sky blue (It’s dyed, his natural hair color is golden yellow)
Eye color: Royal blue
Skin color: Deep tan
Lips: Thin lips
Face Shape: Heart face shape
Ears: Fluffy dark brown hellhound ears
Accessories: Black shock collar with a black leash, and a black square satchel.
Top: A white t-shirt with an open trucker jacket that is about the color of a pineapple (The yellow inside)
Bottoms: Black jeans, faded a bit from the wash.
Shoes: Black dress shoes.
Extras: He has a fluffy dark brown hellhound tail.
Abel Dacre: Facial features: Striking, stormy gray eyes, rosy pale skin, full lips, and a thin upturned nose.
Other features: He has quite an average body, not particularly skinny or chubby, just a nice healthy size. He has dark reddish ginger hair. His hair is thick, and his bangs are quite long. His hair is soft, wavy, and shoulder-length. You’ll almost always find a bandage somewhere on his body, as he trips quite often. The bandage is usually placed somewhere on one of his cheeks, his knees, his hands, or his elbows.
Clothing: Abel usually likes to wear baggy sweaters, and always likes the sleeves to at least be long enough to cover his hands. His favorite color to wear is shades of blue, typically a stormy desaturated blue, or any shade of blue close to grey. He likes his jeans to be baggy, but not too big. His favorite pair of shoes for sure is his comfortable dark gray slip-ons.
Gemma/Eli Soul: Facial features: Female: Bright, neon teal eyes, soft peach skin, full lips, and a button nose. Male: Same, but with thin lips and a thin down-turned nose.
Other features: Female: Thin waist and a quite average rump with C cup boobs. Navy-blue hair, and while they always keep it a relatively dark shade and always blue, sometimes she changes the shade from navy. Their hair is smooth, and she has Ariel bangs. It reaches about right at her waist, just above her butt. Male: Differences are a rectangle body shape, and the hair is shaved on one side and long thick wavy bangs on the other, that end at right above the jaw.
Clothing: Female: Changes outfit quite often, but lately has been wearing black and yellow to show love of batman. :) Male: Changes quite often too, but always kept comfortable and casual, typically dark colors.
Ashley Agápi: Facial features: Soft Angled Eyebrow Shape, Oval Face Shape. He has big round eyes, one of which is Coral and the other in Orange. Small, cute button nose. Full lips.
Other features: Maroon wavy hair, really long bangs. 1601243394082.png1601243466055.png1601243498659.png1601243523683.png(reference only for the hair)
Clothing: Black tank top with the word TIPSY sideways in white spray paint font. Black bracelets with spikes, a black choker with spikes, black standard lobe piercing, black transverse lobe piercing, black orbital piercing, and a black helix piercing. Black eyebrow ring. Silver lip ring. Baggy black ripped jeans. Black and white converse with untied laces. A sad face is drawn on one shoe and a dead face on the other shoe. Silver ring with a curse inscribed on it, that he keeps on his finger at all times.
Aga Wang: 1601940781693.png Clothing: White-collared short sleeve shirt completely buttoned up. Black tie. Dark navy blue trenchcoat. Black gloves. Black Slacks. Heavy black calf-high hiking boots.