Im a closet gay. Well, Bi to be exact, had a few girl crushes but I'm more attracted to men so I still consider myself gay. Still in high school but while listening to some music in bed, some random thoughts just came to my head. How will my life be when I become an adult and a gay person? Like I'm gay but I don't act like a woman. I don't want to be a trans woman either. I don't want to wear women clothing cause I very much prefer men's clothes. In short, I'm a man who just wants to love and to be loved by another man. But that's not the point, my point is that when I grow up, I want to be with the man that I love but I also want to have a child. And I can't consider adopting a solution because I want the child to be my own. I know it's too early to be thinking about this stuff when I'm still in high school but yeah, just some random thought.
being gay has nothing to do with wanting to be a woman or the need of being feminine, just do you. its cool that you think about future stuff and planing a family, there is many ways nowdays that you can use to have kids of your own reply