Anime Binging

10VEMIX 10VEMIX 2016-03-24 19:04:55 About being awake for far too long
When I get into a really good manga or anime, I sometimes stay up WAY too late trying to finish it soon. I don't feel tired what so ever, but in the morning, I'm a total zombie. The latest I've stayed up was about, 5 a.m. It was scary how tired I was at school.


Lovelypyt March 24, 2016 10:51 pm

I totally agree but I stayed up way longer and beyond and now my inner clock is all out of wack I go to sleep around 7 wake up at like 12 in the afternoon do my work and then binge some more lol(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 total zombie mode throughout the day

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