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lol wtf no, I don’t get why some people are trying to show themselves off as ‘special’ by saying similar stuff, well guess what, your sexuality doesn’t make you special. idk is being straight boring now? Is it not trendy? Just stop   reply
05 01,2021
05 01,2021
Just accept ur a straggot and leave lmao   reply
05 01,2021
Recognizing that someone is pretty and wanting to fuck them are two different things that have no relation to each other. I think Maria Brink is beautiful, but never in a million years would I want to date her nor have sex with her. I am 0% into her. I just think she’s pretty. I’ve seen artwork that I think is pretty, that doesn’t mean I want......   reply
05 01,2021
admiration does not always equal attraction   reply
05 01,2021
Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought being pansexual is about falling to a person no matter what the gender is as long as you felt you have a deep connection or you like that person's personality not because you find them good looking..?   reply
05 01,2021

skipping class

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