Over 25s Yaoi fans?
Hi, I'm Sara, a 27 year old woman from England, and I'm just sort of wondering how many people on this site are 25+ in age.
I'm on tumblr, where I'm really into fandom ships (like MikaYuu, KuroMahi, etc), but I find everybody to be very young (not that there is anything wrong with youth), but I really want to find some friends close to my own age!
I don't have Line, but I do have Skype and Discord. I mostly come to this site to read Yaoi, but my main love is anything with fantasy/science-fiction/supernatural based elements. (Fantasy and supernatural Yaoi makes my heart flutter!)
Saramarylliss is my tumblr; Valkyrie#1989 is my discord. I'm up for creating a server if there are quite a few of us.
Um, other things about me: I RP fantasy Yaoi as well (but only as the submissive).
it's just makes me sad every time i see something like this .. why are you all think that you are old ??? there's no such a thing called " im old to do this " " im old to do that " you are old as you think you are .THIS IS WHAT YOU LOVE for god's sake .. reading manga or whatever you're doing to have fun is what makes you happy , help you to get ou......
5 reply
06 03,2018