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wojak memes [Answer]
03 01,2021
Wojak isn’t a racist meme nor does it have racist origins. It wasnt made by an alt-right white supremacist like people will try to make you believe. It was created on KrautChan, which is a now inactive forum, in 2010. It was drawn by a guy named Sebastian and his username was Wojak, which is where the name of the meme comes from. Racism and nazi......   reply
03 01,2021
wojak memes [Answer]
whizzer 04 01,2021
my favorites️   1 reply
04 01,2021
wojak memes [Answer]
03 01,2021
i don’t know what 4chan is but i gonna look it uo but i don't think there‘s anything wrong with wojak memes ofc some of then can be racist but like every mene can it depends ob the person who makes them not on the meme and i also just saw wojak memes with supportive meanings behind them so yeah   reply
03 01,2021

first yaoi

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