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02 01,2021
Earn money to help my poor family, and maybe find more friends to hang out with, finish my medical examinations and hopefully getting better on a physical and mental way. Maybe find an asexual guy or gal to date?   reply
02 01,2021
uh 1. STOP reading yaoi or just stop reading the sex scenes in mangas 2. include God in my life more 3. stop looking like a burnt potato with those acne and acne scars 4. Go to the hospital so i can know whats happening in my body because i get pain EVERYDAY.... there is probaly more but thats all i wanna write   1 reply
02 01,2021
dont have any goals anymore. the last time i made some goals I was too lazy to achieve it so i did nothing   reply
03 01,2021
to get better at my art work on my mental health try to get my first job   reply
02 01,2021
1. Stop dying 2. Do better in school 3. Work on art 4. Learn animation 5. Learn how to be more motivated 6. Accept god in my life more (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
03 01,2021
The same as last years bc I did absolutely nothing (/TДT)/   reply
02 01,2021
belas 02 01,2021
to program my own website or application/game....   1 reply
02 01,2021
trying to get over LoH   reply
03 01,2021
i wanna lose weight cus oh my god im big as hell,, but anyways does anyone know how to lose weight fast cus i gotta lose 70-80 lbs i dont care if its unhealthy or not i just need to lose it FAST before SUMMER   2 reply
03 01,2021

first yaoi

721 people did / 36 want to do

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