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Sorry but I will quit , why ? because I have a lot more to paid in real life *sob*. That is so sad but this is reality , I am not rich person and I am sure can refrain if that involve money.   reply
02 07,2016
No. NEVER!. I always have time to read yaoi even if major exams are coming ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. And yaoi is my escape to this reality so I really can't stop this addiction. YAOI KEEPS ME SANE! (⌒▽⌒)   1 reply
03 07,2016
Never, I love yaoi a lot and I see it as a very big part of my life. If I'm not reading yaoi, I'm definitely thinking about it, so it'd be devastating.   reply
28 06,2016
NO?!!! If I stop reading yaoi I'll die!!!And since dead people don't use money... Yaoi for ever ^^   1 reply
01 07,2016
Even if i was treatened to get beaten up i still wouldn΄t be able to stop reading them... ( ̄へ ̄)   1 reply
04 07,2016
I don't understand why I would pay myself to be unhappy... Reading yaoi is like taking an injection of pure joy. For some people, swimming or spending time with family = ultimate happiness. For me, I read yaoi and body automatically reacts. I look like a total creeper as I read it because my face subconsciously turns my smile on full wattage and I ......   reply
04 07,2016
Yes, I will...   reply
28 06,2016
Person. Yaoi is the Embodiment of my Life. Without it, I would be a working corpse of a forensic scientist, trying to find meaning in my life. Yes I am engaged, but F*** husband and who ever tries to take my Yaoi away. I may love him, but not as long as my precious friend, Yaoi. (Sorry husbando) So no, I would not stop reading/seeing/hearing yaoi,......   1 reply
28 06,2016
It depends how much money they were paying me to stop reading. Otherwise, I don't really see the purpose. But I'll still take the money.   reply
28 06,2016
uhm, once a fujoshi - always a fujoshi. There's no turning back once you tasted the sweetness that yaoi offers. lol   reply
28 06,2016

first kiss

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