the best and worst relationship

Chuyeon Chuyeon 2018-02-25 03:45:20 About wanna get over my ex boyfriend
Out of all the relationships I've had, I guess you could say my "favorite" one just happened to be the douchebag out of all of them. He didn't mistreat me or anything, it just ended pretty badly for a really depressing reason and it took me a few years to get over it. My friends were there for me, but it still took a lot of crying and a lot of song writing to get it out of my system.


Kaoi-chaan February 25, 2018 8:44 am

There was one timw in my first year of highschool where I saw this dude that just took my breath away, he was so adorable and so my type. I go after him and after a little while I finally got him to notice me back. We talked every single day at school and right after we got home, we'd text until we'd pass out at midnight, every night. It was so blissful, that floating feeling is really super surreal.
I never got around to ask him out since he wanted it to just be a friends-that-flirt thing but we never actually did anything more than exchange sweet words and hugs. At the end of the year, I find out Im moving away, and so is he. I ask him if a long-distance thing would work and he said no, and that we had to break up.
...... what? Is what went through my head, I couldnt process what he just told me. One day later I bust out of my bed and i yell "WE WERE DATING????" I was so angry that I didnt know we were a thing, I wouldve kissed him had I known.
Well yeah, it was heart-breaking for me but I got over it quickly when him moving was delayed a half-year later and he decided to keep in close touch with my then best friend... he was an asshole, I just didnt see it until after a year and a half. But honestly, that whole experience cracks me up so much now even though I was so so so depressed then

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