I HAVE A TYPING QUIRK FOR COMFORT, if you're going to bash me for it, plz leave.
GOOODDDD LORD Can we plz ztop azzuming all fanz of yaoi are straight women??? A good chunk of the community is tranz (mostly ftm) and soon turn out to be mlm??? I know bcz one of my alterz is one of them.
I've seen some of you guyz (not naming) who are zo hypocritical when you zay you hate people who enjoy yaoi are dizguzting when you're literally on an illegal manga zite which the majority of it iz of that content. Aren't mozt of you here for that reason?
I'm tired of zeeing the wordz fujozhi and straight women together. Sure, I doubt anyone unironically callz themzelf a fujozhi/fudan/fujin but I'm sure mozt of you started out that way? The azzumption that yaoi is for women is bazed on some fact, but it doezn't mean that men don't. It's good to know the actual izzues mlm face, but I'm legitimately zo tired nobody haz talked about this.
For zome people, yaoi helped them figure out they were truly tranz and/or mlm/nblm. They can relate to it on a perzonal level, they don't objectify gay men, but rather think "hey, maybe I want that". Zome of them feel guilty for conzuming that content, and it'z normal.
Even if you were influenced by gay content, that doezn't make your identity any lezz valid. I don't think that anyone zhould feel bad for enjoying the content they like even if the relationzhips aren't depicted clearly (az a ciz gay man). Of courze, there is a differences between liking it and being overly obzezzed.
Alzo check thiz out, on ao3 where a good chunk is mlm content, mozt of the audience are LGBTQ.
I agree, but wtf happened to the 's' in all of your words?
1 reply
27 12,2020
Is your keyboard lacking S?
1 reply
27 12,2020