Unpopular opinion Psa
Don't complain if you aren’t going to fix the problem.
I always hear people complain about school. People complain about the teachers, the grading system, female dress code, the things we learn in school and don’t learn, bullying, etc. But I hear NOBODY saying they want be in the department of education to fix it. So that tells me right there. Yall don't actually feel the way you do about school. If you really, truly, absolutely thought there is an issue; you would fix it right? For example, if your phone was broken you wouldn't just walk around complaining about your broken phone; you would get it fixed. If you don’t have an issue with school. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the people who have an "issue" with school.
You guys act like your average person has the resources to create change. The only thing they have is their voice and the only thing they can do is hope that someone with the power to create the change they want will listen. This isn’t the hot take you think it is.
1 reply
27 12,2020