Random reasons you dropped a manga/webcomic/manhwa
Like, I don't want any "omg the character was soo annoying because this/that, etc etc tedtalk", it can be something very small and like "the character had a strand of hair that made me want to stop reading it"
Usually cuz it's boring, repetitive, the updates stopped. Like today I dropped Painter of the Night because that is getting repetitive asf, and Legs that don't walk. Also I don't want to see the Mcs end up with the MLs. reply
I always alwayysss (no matter how annoying it may get) finish what i start reading/watching, but theres this one manga i couldn't read past ch4 ... It was waaay too gross ,im glad i forgot its name (plot something like a young ghoul raised by a sorceror or whatever and humans using bodies for something idk ugh) like why are the comments/ratings so ...... reply