Mine is very simple, "Google was my idea bitch" yeah I think it speaks for itself. I did make google people just took my idea and got rich from it. Selfish jerks. So Explain your username.
I had no idea what it meaned when I first given... but like when ı was seven? google gave it to me as an username, it was furryrattlesnake it's the short version of it. And rigth now I am using this in everything like everything...
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ reply
Originally, I got it from a planet's name called "TrES-2B". I watched it a long time ago about this in Youtube.
It explained about the planet being the darkEST and hottest so I thought to use it as my username (although i just randomly added another "2" so that's why my username: "Tres22b".... lol ) since it's related to my INTERESTS in what genr...... reply