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I always liked girls and would have probably considered myself a lesbian from a young age except for two things: A. I had a girlfriend who outed me in Jr. High, she went to school in a different city and thought it would be sweet to surprise me by riding the bus to meet me at school. It was sweet but she decided to tackle me and sit on me while ki......   2 reply
31 05,2018
Oh boy, ages ago, maybe when i was about 10 or 9, but to be fair i was more confused back then... I only semi-knew what gay was because of my homophobic father. Anyway, i had a crush on this boy in my class, a full on crush, i hung out with him whenever, it was a good friendship. I remember once accidentally touching his upper thigh and getting rea......   1 reply
24 02,2019
i think it was in like sixth grade. You know, puberty. I felt conflicted all the time because I saw myself more attracted to my friends than with the girls my friends would talk about. While they thought of girls in a gross way, I thought of boys in a gross way. It tormented me for a while but then I met some gay girls and they like changed everyth......   reply
06 09,2020
I'm embarrassed to admit this story because while it's so common, I was just a little too innocent and confused back then, so it just makes me feel odd. I made this friend online, and we talked constantly. We face-timed a lot and I even introduced her to my school-friends. We talked every day, and eventually, she invited me to play IMVU together. T......   2 reply
01 09,2020
I was 11 and I had a crush on this girl. I was like, "Wow, she cute. Waight... hold up. I just said that she was cute. Guess I like her." I didn't even know that being gay was a thing and that it was seen as weird and wrong. No one talked about it and then I moved to the big city and everyone talked about it. I was like whaaa. Being gay is bad? Wha......   reply
09 09,2020
I saw this question and have been reading the manga for half an hour lol. The character is lucky though because we have more than just some porn that you only see when you search. I mean we fucking have tumblr! All the social media apps we see and make fun of lgbt+ people, in good and bad ways. But I was the same as you and I didn't realise it unti......   2 reply
30 01,2018
Oh nah my ass had rlly bad internalized homophobia due to my environment so I didn't know shit as a kid & didn't accept anything til like, 8th grade? It was bad enough to the point I made myself believe I liked a guy (which wow, was v abusive towards me) in 5th grade, when I obv didn't, not even a lil heart flutter in 6th grade, something happened......   reply
09 09,2020
12 when I found out I was Bisexual. which is weird because at the time people were either either gay or straight and I dint know any gay girls just gay guys   1 reply
26 02,2018
I'm Ace and I know that I can live life without having to worry too much about the problems other LGBTQ+ people have to face (Unless if I date a girl again), but I'm still queer and I do face some things that Het/Cis people don't face. I started realizing I wasn't straight around 6th grade. My friends all started talking about the boys in our class......   2 reply
27 02,2018
Well personally ı still dont know whether ım bi or lez(ım a girl and probably bi) but ı realized i liked a girl recently. I was going to a event of cosplay and in the end of the event a realşy hot girl came up telling me how cool ı look and that she really liked my hairstyle. I was in a hurry so ı gave her my phone number thinking we can be ......   1 reply
24 04,2018