As an older guy I can only say, please do everything in your own time and do it only when you feel it's right for you!
There is no shame in being 'closet' nor is there an Obligation to come-out to anyone. It is totally OK to lie if you don't want to tell that you're gay. That includes friends as well as family members. If they love you, they don't......
1 reply
Hello! You have such a heartwarming story, I couldn't stop smiling reading the last part :)
I always assumed that I would never get a partner since I'm pretty introverted and its a pretty tiny chance I will ever meet someone who is gay and actually know they are gay, however reading your story has given me some hope :D
On a slightly less innocent note, wow I want someone to approach me in a public shower :O
Hi there! Thanks for your reply.
Just give it a bit time, you will find someone - I am a good example of getting there late :D
Believe it or not: I found my companion through a gay dating site. So it is possible.
Maybe make a date in the public shower.
Or go to a gay Sauna ;)