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We live to die. If at the end of the day, the only purpose of our life is to die anyways... Does out life even matter. We live to amuse the powers that be and then die. We. Have. No. Purpose. Sorry that is dark   2 reply
29 01,2018
That Good things don't always happen to good people.   reply
29 01,2018
Not giving a shit about society and what other people perceive you as will make you so much happier. In the end nothing matters, so do what you want.   reply
11 11,2018
Never trust to other people to fix you.   reply
11 11,2018
With age, you realize that you're just moldy cheese. You might be a delicacy to some and to others, you're absolutely repulsive. And hey...that's OKAY. Also...time doesn't exist and cheetos+cupcakes=procrastination. But who cares that all your childhood friends are traveling the world while you scrub toilets? In another dimension, you're the moth......   reply
09 05,2018
Everything is not all it seems to be. Reality or Fantasy, nothing that we have all thought of since the first humans came, is absolute. Right this moment, whatever we think is real or not real, is not true.   reply
03 04,2019
That no matter how close you are with your friends or how kind people treat you the end there's no one who can help you but yourself and your family, the only people in life who truly cares   reply
11 11,2018
That no matter how much i struggle, i shouldn't push for my friends or family to constantly be there for me. They don't always know what to do or say, and hearing me say all these things could be quite damaging to both them and me, because i end up looking for advice and comforting words, and they end up giving me ones i don't want. I've only re......   reply
03 04,2019
'Treat others the way you want to be treated.' Also a life rule that I keep near my heart and always abide to. So many people including some very close ones in my life are so good at looking, talking and responding to people in a negative way. But if every person does the same thing to others, it becomes a cycle. Respect is to be earned, not given......   reply
03 04,2019
That love is just a temporary feeling to preserve humanity as a species. That humanity as a species is a disturbance to other species (including plants). That we are slowly pushing our species closer to extinction by ignoring those two statement. Whenever I try to think of another way of thinking, it's always back to those two.   reply
03 04,2019