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TW//. ed [Answer]
derponimous 22 12,2020
hi, i’m not a specialist but i did a year of psychology before quitting and we vaguely looked at eating disorders. there’s restrictive (restrict yourself from eating certain foods), purgative(vomiting) and excessive exercise (when you burn off more calories than you consume). anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are when you vomit. i don’t t......   reply
22 12,2020
TW//. ed [Answer]
JASPER 22 12,2020
I think you might need professional help. If you can’t tell your parents, try telling a friend, a teacher, a relative, or some other person you trust will help you. Please get help early before you become really sick. I believe in you   reply
22 12,2020
TW//. ed [Answer]
Shin 신
22 12,2020
You'll wanna go through medical websites to make sure, but it could be be puberty. I also used to eat a lot, but I've grown to hate sweets, oily foods, and most foods that aren't Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean). It could be that you want foods you didn't grow up with, which would be the opposite of what happened to me. You could also try some foo......   reply
22 12,2020
TW//. ed [Answer]
Coffin milfmilk 22 12,2020
i dont know much about this but please tell someone while you can because if you wait too long it might be too late :(   reply
22 12,2020
TW//. ed [Answer]
22 12,2020
I can't really say what you have but I have dealt with this for a long time I can't myself to be okay with eating I've tried to eat more food but I can't do it I know you probably hate and I wish I could give you better advice but all I can really say is don't force yourself to barf because you won't be able to quit once that becomes a habit make s......   reply
22 12,2020
TW//. ed [Answer]
22 12,2020
I don't know if this will be of much help, but from what you said you are indeed suffering from an ed... I can't really specify which one so I'm taking my experience into account. I suffered from ed back in 2018 and recovered, so I know how much pain you must be suffering. You are not alone and it's not wrong to eat, your body needs it and you will......   reply
22 12,2020
im sorry as i, myself isnt knowledgeable in this problem. it does sound like anorexia based from what u said but ofc i am not sure abt this myself since im not suffering from ed. what i can tell u is i hope u can convince ur mum to meet a professional and get u checked :( ur situation will become worse if u dont act now and im rlly sorry that ur su......   1 reply
22 12,2020
TW//. ed [Answer]
22 12,2020
Hi! I think you may have ARFID (avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder). I'm not a professional but I made research about it (since I may have the same thing that you have). It can be base on its taste, texture, smell, presentation or even past experience that you had with the food. I avoid eating certain types of food such as vegetables or frui......   reply
22 12,2020