so theres this girl and she always gets really touchy i guess with me. she playfully touches my butt (i dont mind of course and shes doing it cause she knows i am not ucomfortable with it) and we sometimes just act as a married couple. i usually play it off really cool but inside im really gay panicking. once she kissed my cheek which broke me. i wasnt able to stay cool • ‿ ,• so now she teases me more to get a reaction out of me. ahh i swear, i have no idea if shes hitting on me or if shes just messing with me. ajsbxbs ive been so close to confessing it just makes me want to punch myself.
i don’t know mannnn i think you should go for it (⊙…⊙ ) but then i don’t want it to fuck up
i knowww but if it would go wrong then id have to see her for another year but then again the thaught of having her as my girlfriend ಥ‿ಥ