How's the Christmas holidays going for you so far?
Excited for Christmas?..if you don't celebrate it what are you planning on doing on the 25th..seen your gifts yet?..ate some 'Christmas meals'?..tell me about it:)
I grabbed yellow snow and shoved into party cups then sold them on the street as lemon snowcones, got 50$ bucks total for around 5 hours work. Any ideas on what present to buy for my mom w/ the money? Shes into hippie stuff and tries to sell fortune card reading on the street but people always mistake her for a hooker because of her cropped tops an...... 1 reply
Mmm, racist family members who don't understand gun violence and what it means. And as always, a black and white mentality.
'Ohhh, women who are abused sometimes deserve it.' wow, blaming us and our mother.
'Your mother deserves to be happy' she's dating a 27 year man who hangs out with racist, doesn't know about periods despite living with wome...... reply