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Sure. I'm sarcastic and I swear a lot too. I would be down to talk about anything.   6 reply
22 01,2018
ooh, as a fellow lonely and desperate soul, that sounds very promising. I'm down! I only have kakao but I'd like to join :3   1 reply
23 01,2018
I would like to join, but im not very good with people.   reply
24 01,2018
i dont know how this works i only read manga here lol but i'm down for this   2 reply
22 01,2018
I'm down for it if you are. English is my second language but my grammar sucks so wth. If you do create the chat my line Id is ikonicnctzen.   reply
23 01,2018
MEMES OH YES HONEY, I only have line but I can make a kakaotalk account 0^◇^0)/! My line ID is overcomechihoko   reply
20 02,2018
Hi, I would like to chat (sorry I don't know what to say). But I read manga, watch anime and I'm part of the lgbt community sooo...maybe I can join? If you want, if not thats okay. (I would be happy to join :3) Btw that does sound really promising   reply
23 01,2018
To be honest all those same things apply to me, would love to join in on the group chat!   reply
23 01,2018
Totally sounds super promising, I would like to join. I had line at one point and I'm not really sure what the other thing is really, but I'm pretty desperate as well and would be willing to get whatever is needed. So, if it's ok I would like to join very much.   reply
23 01,2018


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Group chat??
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Line Group
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Sad boi hours
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Line uhhh