What's on your bucket list?
Here's mine:
1) Get framed for murdering people
2) Go to Japan, South Korea, Italy, Greece, Russia, Antarctica.
3) Go skydiving
4) Go per sailing
5) Play Olympic Games
6) Go to Harvard or Yale
7) Work in the BAU ( Behavioural Analysis unit FBI)
8) Be the boss of something
9) Skinny DIpping
10) Be on a talk show
11) Study Philosophy, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics. ( I know I need a PhD but I can dream)
12) Cut a dead tree down
13) Go in a cave (Ice or not)
14) Rain dancing
15) Get a fever
16) Touch a toxic matter
I have more, but I'm asking you. So, what's your bucket list?
1) get rid of my stupid self harming habit
2) find a travel buddy or just travel alone
3) sleep outside in a very isolated place under a clear sky
4) look at the northern lights
5) go to the desert once
6) buy my parents a house on the mountains
7) tattoo my back
8) go to an amusement park with my father again
9) make a pokemon hack rom
20 12,2020