can we PLEASE for the love of god stop referring gay people to their sex positions? like the seme/uke/top/bottom/switch labels and for people to just slap those labels onto gay couple irks me so bad..
i've seen some people refer to gay couples as uke/seme/top/bottom because of how they present themselves and it's always "the smaller and more feminine one is uke/bottom! taller and masculine one is top/seme!" and it's just so gross.. like, it may be the case for some gay couples but not all of them fit into that heteronormative stereotype and overall it's pretty disrespectful to us how all you'll ever see of us is nothing but our sex position.
and in a lot of tiktok videos i've seen gay couples being open about their relationship and i rush into the comments and find tons of people going "uwu so cutee the small one must be the uke" or "which one is uke which one is seme" and it's so gross to see.
call me sensitive, call me a killjoy; whatever. but as an mlm, i just feel like we're so fetishized to the point that a lot of you guys don't see anything wrong with strangers calling us by sex position labels, yknow? (it's a different story when friends are joking around and both parties are okay with it. ex: my friends calling me a bottom and me laughing it off because i know they meant it in an insulting/joking way)
Yeah it just bitches confusing fiction with reality. All of them need to grow up.
18 12,2020
Thank you!
Also, on that last part, my friends and I joke about that too. Somehow it never gets old to me and we always laugh, but when a stranger does it it's kinda....just...nuh uh.
But some bitches need to realize being gay isn't a fucking personality trait (that's shallow af) and no one at all should be thinking about what position a strange......
1 reply
19 12,2020
Honestly though. The terms seme and uke and the larger concepts they're representative of are seriously fucking gross, just like in general. And people going around as if it's any of their fucking business what mlm people are or aren't doing in bed and then making assumptions based on their own heteronormativity is just... stay the fuck away from m......
1 reply
19 12,2020
Imagine being stupid enough to fetishize m|m...Thank you for this OP. Well said.
19 12,2020
PREACH (I'm mlm and I despise this)
1 reply
18 12,2020
im too lazy to read any of this but ive heard this argument everywhere, therefore i know what the rest is saying and i've got to say is
i agree, i agree a thousand percent and if anyone disagrees then fuck them (obviously)
18 12,2020
I feel so awkward when people refer to characters like that. It’s not hard to call them bu their name or describe them using their hair colour or something that stands out. I didn’t know they referred to actual people like that too.
19 12,2020