On Accident
Well, I had been into anime since I was 8 which was about two years before I discovered yaoi. Before I discovered sites like Kissanime and 9anime, my main source of anime was Huluplus. And so, at the ripe age of 10, I clicked the first episode of Love Stage (because I thought the uke was a girl) and oh my god it exploded into an obsession. I hadn't gotten into yaoi manga until I finished Love Stage, aching for more. The strange thing was, while I got distracted by the cover pages of other yaoi manga before I actually read Love Stage. So my first yaoi manga was one of the Kuroneko Kareshi mangas, which at 10 years old, was the most explicit and thrilling things I've seen in my life. So now, four years later, my love for yaoi has been going on strong.