How I get to know myself

Lady Benni Lady Benni 2018-01-14 17:33:06 About get to know you
This is the first time that I share an experience on this site but I've always wanted to write this story here.

Five here ago I started surfing on the internet and I made a lot of friends that I also met in real life. I was (and still) close with them but one of them was my bestfriend. Let's call her X. I met her for the first time 3 years ago and I was so happy that I cryed for like 30 minutes. I met X every month and we promised that no matter what we'll never leave each other.
One day I thought of her dating another boy/girl that wasn't me and I hated that so I realised that I was in love with X.
Last year I was texting her and we found out that we were in love with each other but we didn't want to start dating because our friendship was fantastic and we didn't want to end it.
Last April she suddenly stopped text me and when I asked her why she started to insult me out of the blue.
I was so hurt and felt so wrong.
I wanted to kill myself.
After a month she texted me saying that she was tired because of school and that she didn't mean what she said.
We made peace.
It was ok.
Our relathionship wasn't as good as before but for me it was enough.
Talking with her just for 5 minutes was enough.
Last month she posted on ig a photo of a present that I had give to her and she wrote:

"This is useless as the person how gave it to me. It isn't broken but I will throw it away anyway"

"I would like to burn her house down"

"Eiminate toxic friends"

and a lot of other things.

I deleted everything about her and this is the end.

This is my short story.
I get to know myself now:
I can fall for a girl, not every love story has a happy ending, life is hard, don't trust everybody, start again from scratch, grow up stronger than before and never give up.

Nothing is an end.

I'm sorry but my english is bad and this post is boring as hell...


Andrea January 14, 2018 7:05 pm

It isn't Boring something like that happend to me too i learned that you can't trust everybody even if they are nice to you i wanted to disappier when my bestfriend told me she didn't want to talk to me anymore we knew eachother for 5 years and i still couldn't believe she got over it so quickly she got a "new" bestfriend at the next day i understood sometimes you just need to let people go

Lady Benni January 14, 2018 10:05 pm

Same here
I found out that now she has got a boyfriend.
To be honest I don't care about her bf but I can't forgive her because i don't know why she cut me out of his life without an explanation.

Andrea January 14, 2018 10:18 pm

Yeah i know it's hard when they don't give you a reason or don't explain anything to you they just leave you without a reason it would have been better if she did give you a reason then you would atleast know why she left you

Lady Benni January 14, 2018 10:19 pm

And thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it

Andrea January 14, 2018 10:22 pm
And thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it Lady Benni

np and don't worry i hope you find someone better than her

Watcher January 14, 2018 7:00 pm

i mean it's not the end of the world plus best thing you did is deleting her .. don't expect much from the others .. internet friends are rare af and i'm saying " Friends " not chilling friends and talking about manhwa .. yeah there are but still R A R E // anyways ayy hope you have a nice life and enjoy it ~

Lady Benni January 14, 2018 10:18 pm

I know that internet real friends are rare... I only have a few friends that I met on the internet and I see them often so they are more like friends irl.
Anyway thank you very much for your support ~
I really appreciate your words

Watcher January 15, 2018 9:00 am
I know that internet real friends are rare... I only have a few friends that I met on the internet and I see them often so they are more like friends irl.Anyway thank you very much for your support ~I really ap... Lady Benni

it's ok just relax and make a cup of tea and read some manhwa and focus on your life and ayy you are good to go :D ~
Peace have a nice Day ~


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