how to wash your hair tutorial
1. scrub the shit outta ya hair everyday and always use the soap made outta your cousins breast milk and remember SHAMPOO BAD!
2. always use icy cold water to warm your hair and to freeze your braincells aaand scrub the shit outta it.
3. scrub the shit outta it AGAIN,gentle massages are for pussys
5. use conditioner for your pubes and toe hair,none for the hair protecting your skull.
6. continuously fling your dick around- oh wait wrong question
7. continuously flip off your dog- wait wrong question again
8. just keep flinging your hair again and again until it dries
9. wet it again
10. tie it into a tight braid and go to bed.
11. voila~ now you are bald and your IQ has retarded
thankyou and thankme hairy homo sapien *hehe in pedophile*
but the effort u put into typing all that, u have a great future
1 reply
16 12,2020