shut the fuck up you moldy ass bitch
"yoU sHoUlD bE GrAtEfUl FoR bEiNg aLIvE"
im oh so thankful to be born in a shitty and decaying planet that has racism, homophobia, sexism and classism.
i'm oh so thankful to live in a society where people scream about being pro life yet don't give a fuck about the people already here and dont care about the poor/elderly/immigrants/disabled or people's mental health and sees humans as expendable.
i'm oh so thankful to work 40+ years at some shitty job just to retire and have limited mobility and be expected to “enjoy” the last 5 or so years of life.
i'm so thankful to live in a society that puts life on some pedestal like it has to be earned after you’re born.
at this point, i welcome the alien invasion. get me off this shit hole.
And that's on periodt
15 12,2020
I know your pain,
Everything is daijobu
U- jobu
15 12,2020
I’m assuming this is in response to the person who made the post about suicidal people. If I’m correct, this is a terrible response.
1 reply
15 12,2020