People who say Naruto, DBZ, One peice, Jojo, Bleach, Neon Evangelion and Fairy tail are masterpeices NEED TO STOP. YOU GO AND WATCH THESE FEW ANIMES AND CALL YOURSELF WEEBS AND FAN IM SO SICK OF THESE BITCHES. They go watch overrated animes and are like "you didn't watch (insert overrated anime) YOU DONT KNOW SHIT" LIKE BITCH I AINT WASTING MY TIME ON ANIMES THAT ARE GONNA TAKE FOREVER!!! I go for anime memes and see those NARUTO MEMES AND DBZ MEMES WITH ONE PIECE ALL OVER. I FEEL LIKE GOING IN THEIR HOUSE AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM AND BREAK THEIR PC. These bitches dont know anything and assume every anime to be shit compared to their 'masterpeices' STFU
DAMN BITCH. as someone who's been into anime since they were a young kid, i have to say that even though they are "overrated" (and for good reasons), it's worth the watch! (lil edit here) these animes probably made people interested in anime. reply