dear taylor rant
no taylors not but ima say it
why body shame [insert name] for something she cant help? say shes needs to look more like you when you have nothing yourself but looks thats it. the personality is shitty as fuck so thats all shes gonna get out of it nothing else. stop fishing for compliments everyday too shits mad aggravating why fish when you get compliments everyday? back to the bodyshaming one you told her shes "fat" then "too skinny" and "needs to gain weight" sis maam she has fast metabolism and on top of that cheers not to mention shes hella insecure about her body and you never know if someone has eating problems.
girls are with girls until its about weight, looks, curves, etc. it disgusts me to the core.
We're all just ugly complex beautiful disgusting amazing worthless sacks of meat controlled by this.So why should it even matter
15 12,2020