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1. no. like who you want. 2. Christianity is one of the most widespread religions and it's really not just Christianity, it's mostly all of the major religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc.) It's safe to say that the Torah, Quran and the Bible all look down on homosexuality. To put it simply, it's a sin. But god does not hate the sinner, mere......   1 reply
14 12,2020
hey lol im a straight teen but i hope this can still help 1. Being gay is not wrong, why would it be wrong to be attracted to a specific gender ? With that logic being straight would be wrong too, loving or being attracted to someone is not wrong, it's beautiful. I think it makes sense, we're all different and i think that's what makes us so uniq......   2 reply
14 12,2020
1.Being [LGBTQ] is not wrong. 2.I'm not sure what you meaning. 3. Persuade them or act 'cold' with them . 4. No , some people will welcome you with open arms. Hope this helped a bit. (/TДT)/   reply
14 12,2020
1. No. 2. Because religion is hypocritical and contradictory as hell. 3. Probably can't, and it's not your responsibility to anyways. Just live your life and if they have a problem then fuck them. 4. Yep. So what? Fuck the homophobes, who cares what they think?   reply
14 12,2020
1) No, being gay is just as morally okay as having brown hair or blue eyes. . 2) They take one mistranslated verse out of context and use it for hatred and bigotry 3) Well you can’t. Eventually they’ll have to accept you or lose you but you can’t ever make them. Hopefully after a few years they’ll start to realize it isn’t a phase 4) ......   reply
14 12,2020
1. being gay isn’t wrong and never let anyone tell you that is if they do they are just insecure plus homosexual tendencies are seen in so many other mammals and animals i would say research this there are many studies on it :) 2. honestly idk i’ve grown up in a primarily christian household (i’m not religious though) and i know for sure th......   reply
14 12,2020
1- No it is not and go tell whoever says that to go duck themselves. Love whoever you want to love, you only live once. This is coming from a cishet girl, I truly don’t understand why people are like that. 2 - Exactly. You’re right a lot of homophobes just use religion as an excuse. 3 - Best advice I have is time. They’ll get it sooner or lat......   reply
14 12,2020
Hi im french so sorry for the mistake i tried my best . WE LOVE YOU 1. You can love who you want no matter their gender or indentity . Love is never wrong, hate is. We born the way we are its not a choice and u dont become gay you just discoverd it soon or later. 2.Some christian are good but the majority is stupid and dont apply they own word. ......   reply
14 12,2020
neo 15 12,2020
1. Not its not, you can love whoever you want to love 2. Honestly, I'm not all that sure. I grew up in a Muslim environment so idk a lot about Christianity but from what youre saying ig its similar to what we have here, the quran talks about accepting all people and being kind to others while also saying that gay and trans people will not be tole......   reply
15 12,2020
1. No, absolutely not! We can’t help loving who we love :] 2. I’m really not sure ;—; I as a member of the lgbt community have this problem with some of my extended family because they think it goes against what was written in the Bible, but I’m hoping they can see it differently and hopefully put family before faith 3. It’ll be hard, but......   reply
14 12,2020

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