mangago has fucked me but not litterally tho
like my love for reading manga has made me unable to read word by word novels and Im so fucked Ive started listening to audiobooks
I have found myself awake at 5 am listening to the audiobooks like wtf
the way I entertain myself as a college student scares me
I read manga, watch anime, and listen to audiobooks
bruh wut am I doing with my life
like satan pls give me a sign as to how to live my degenerate life
do I lose my virginity?
do I study?
do I start a cult that worships ducks?
someone pls give me some advice on productive things to do
Ive already designed a house
made a slideshow of my fashion aesthetic
made a husbando and waifu list
and cleaned my room multiple times
I think something is wrong with me
guys wtf even is life
You literally just described me.Congratulations.
14 12,2020