Well here's the story...
I was still awake at dawn somth like 2 or 3 am in the morning just scrolling thru facebook then suddenly this dude chatted me about yaoi stuff's because I posted somth on this Group abt Yaoi so basically this dude is a fudanshi and yeah I was Happy asf for i have not have and never had a guy-friend who has the same interests like this stuffs so we chatted for hours abt psychological, horror, and thrill manhua's so I really enjoyed his company and latur on the sun was already up we had so much to talk abt so we said our goodbyes and obv sleep. I thought that dude was just like a smol time companion but no we chatted for weeks and I kinda started to adopt feelings (which is Yes stupid A.K.A tanga of me) and I thought we had somth so i just kept quiet for some time. Few weeks latur as usual we chatted some stuffs abt the world and how our day went and he said "I have Chika" or in English "I have something to share or say" so i was excited abt it and there it was He told me he had a special someone who he wants to be with and I asked who and thought maybe this is it!!!! I was having some butterflies and stufxzcs!!! But he told me he liked this Guy and he loves him so much and i thought that special someone was me and asked me for somw advice, Well i told him to confess his feelings to that person co'z maybe he would have a chance ( and yes it hurst af) so latur on he asked the guy out and they were an official couple being happy, he thanked me and I congratulate them to be a happy couple and live their lives to the fulles. We still chatted tho which i was contented even he wasn't mine it was fun but a few days latur he became cold so I asked what's wrong he said, he's boyfriend doesn't want him to chat me anymore (yes he said that directly to me) I just said that "Well yeah okay its totally fine" sonth like that so he apologize and blocked me. I was sad there I'm not gonna lie, the firsy ever fudanshi friend/crush I ever had just blocked me and cut all ties with me, i can't be angry tho because who am l to be angry? I was just the girl who liked an online dude because we had the same interests and vibe.
I apologize, it's long I actually haven't said this to anyone but i wanted to drop the weight that has been on my shoulders since that day.
I feel like he should've talked to his bf abt it and valued your relationship more