so i was browsing on tiktok and i saw a comment on a video ab neopronouns and nounpronouns(?)
this seemed like a really interesting topic so im gonna put down 2 comments that stood out to me
Each are written by different people btw
"Pronouns are meant to replace nouns.. ex: That's her husband - That's Sarah's husband. Her replaces Sarah. You can't use nouns to replace.. nouns.."
"If you are a human, I'm not calling you bug, doll, kitten, bat or anything like that. The lgbtq community has tried for so long to seem as human to others and now that people wanna be called objects or animals isn't right"
I think #1 is right. To be honest, using kitten or doll as a pronoun or something really just seems more like its a nickname.
However, #2 is more debatable. The second sentence does make sense but I don't think those types are pronouns are from people who believe that they are actually animals or objects. From what I've heard from a few people who use those pronouns(not saying a few people represent everyone), they're more to express themselves or what they like.
I also wanna say that the tiktok WAS NOT bashing on neopronouns. The video just included it as a reference.
I don't really wanna make this too long tho so I'm just gonna stop right here
Honestly, neopronouns were created on 4chan to mock trans people, couple years later, people are actually going with it. The purpose of a pronouns is to indicate gender in a sentence, and neopronouns insinuate that pronouns do not equal gender. And, as a trans person, I take issue with that.
Look, I didn’t go through the trouble to transitioning......
14 12,2020
come @ me if you want but im deadass not calling someone kitten, unicorn, dog, bug etc.
14 12,2020
Me not answering this question in fear I’ll get canceled.
This is basically my op:
Doesn’t make sense but go off ig.
14 12,2020
I just finished my math exam and Im greeted by this, great.
Okay, so basically some people are referring themselves using nepronouns( as I've known, its some unofficial pronoun mostly used by lgbtq community, correct me if I'm wrong)
And if you would ask me for my honest opinion, I disagree on how they call themselves with kitten, birdy or whatever......
1 reply
14 12,2020
Honestly, I don't care... ima call you what you want me to call you. even if I find it weird I don't care and ill still call you by what you want
14 12,2020
I'll just use whatever pronouns they want people to use. I'm not gonna disrespect their decision and make them uncomfortable. People use "xer/xem" and I respect that. Even if I have a different opinion than someone and could be considered offensive, I'd rather just keep it to myself so it doesn't harm anyone or cause any problem.
1 reply
14 12,2020
honestly i can understand and respect he/she/they pronouns, but kitten/kittenself and stuff like that kinda upset me. It's like people are trying to make fun of people's pronouns and that's disrespectful asf. But i will say that it's their life not mine so i'll stay out of it.
1 reply
14 12,2020
ALSO this isnt connected to "i get uncomfy when ppl tell me their pronouns are sexual terms/slurs/etc. its just talking ab those types of pronouns in general
14 12,2020
I’ll call anyone what they wanna be called, as long as it makes them feel comfortable. Though I’m still learning about and trying to understand these things I just think it’s polite to do as such- so if someone wants to b called a noun pronoun ig I’ll call em that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
14 12,2020
I thought pronouns are linked to gender. You can be female, male or non-binary. If you want to introduce a new gender, it's logical to use specific pronouns. But liking cats is not a gender, it's another species...
To answer your question, #1 is not valid to me. Since when "you can't do that" is an argument? I mean language can evolve.
For #2, I a......
14 12,2020