I wanted to start an online business because I have been in a really bad economical situation (my whole country is in a bad economical situation tbh x.x), but is not as easy as it seems. I dont know if we can do advertising of stuff here but Im gonna do it anyways cuz I really need help. I'm selling personalized mugs, tshirts and phone cases. If anybody wants to buy or know someone that would be interested or maybe if you have your own business and have an advice for a beginner please let me know, I would really appreciate the help
PD: Or if you are a nice person and would like to donate even $1 it would be a really big help for me (believe it or not $5 in my country can buy enought food for a week x.x)

Omg I'm currently in the same situation I tried to sell some clothes online but only a few people bought it. And I need money to pay a lot of things (︶︿︶)