If you could be someone for a day...
from here on mangago, who would you be? Also, why?
I am stuck between trading a day with Jolly Iwa-chan, IAmzTheMuffinBoi, and Cestelle.
Iwa, because there are so many people in his life I wanna slap and shove a hot curling iron up their ass.
Muffin, because they just seem like they're chill and vibing and having a good time. (I think....)
Cestelle, because he seems like someone who actually has friends and good relationships with other humans irl, so if I had to interact with them and hang out, I think that'd be nice. I just miss having friends-
prob NotSoJolly_LonerforLife or ThatOneFujoshi...
Loner's a fricking queen and one of the sweetest ppl I've ever met. Her grammar is also unbelievably perfect....I wanna experience how it's like to be her lmao
ThatOneFujoshi lowkey makes me crackle and I don't have a sense of humor sooo
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12 12,2020