Why is it that "toxic" people get so much hate on this site?
I've noticed whenever someone says a opinion that yall don't agree with they get attacked. Yall say "you are toxic" but go and start bullying them for their view so doesn't that also make you just as toxic? Or does that not apply to you because you are attacking the "toxic" person. It's their opinion who cares? It's not a fact. I don’t see the problem and why they get so much hate. And I'm not talking about the obvious troll posts though technically that is their opinion also. I mean mostly like the unpopular opinion stuff for instance the way women should dress, abortion. Controversial topics. It's like people are trying to force this sheep mentality. If you don’t think like me then you are toxic and you get canceled. I wish that instead of attacking folks people asked "What makes you say that?, Why do you feel that way?" Get the reasoning behind why they think that way and vice versa instead of blindly hating because I don't know maybe they would actually make good points. I'm probably going to get hate for this but whats new.
Because there are things that are simply not up for debate and things that not everyone has a seat at the debate table on.
Shit like racists and homophobes don't get to debate their opinion. Their "opinion" literally costs people's lives. Pro-lifers "opinion" comes at the expense of the psychological, physical, and mental health of countless women...... reply
No one has to be sweet and comforting in responding to problematic behavior. Its controversial and not universal for A REASON the popular opinion is usually morally or ethically superior. " the way women should dress" what ??? I just know i wont respect anyone with bigoted or narrow minded values and veil it behind "its just my opinion" I dont cond...... 1 reply
It is not toxic to SHARE your opinion. Being toxic is when you spread unnecessary hate around. Take this for example, pushing your opinion onto someone or disrespecting someone because of their opinion. That's being toxic.
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Toxic 1 reply
I get your point. I think people are really hypocritical when they call someone out for being problematic when they are problematic themselves in the way they respond. I feel like people should be more open-minded in the way we approach others with differing opinions. Ofc, if someone is truly harassing you then don't back down, but if they just dis...... reply