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I am still a tad bit salty, but at least you gave an effort to apologize and you realized your mistake, thank you.   reply
12 12,2020
12 12,2020
No, its alright darling. At least you reflected in your mistake. You dont really need to disappear or get banned, your apology is enough.   1 reply
12 12,2020
I'm so sorry, it deadass sounds like a youtube apology video BSJDBDHDBXBBD but hey atleast you learned your lesson!   reply
15 12,2020
LiNk 12 12,2020
Be careful with your posts next time, let this be a lesson for you.   reply
12 12,2020
Please let mangago delete my previous posts or delete my acount as it could potentially bring more uproar and increasing replies that will appear on the front page of a manga   reply
12 12,2020
A person (*) 15 12,2020
who...?   reply
15 12,2020
lexie simp 12 12,2020
personally, i don't have suicidal tendencies, so its not my apology to accept but have u ever heard the phrase, "think twice before you speak?" why didn't u decide to think what you had written knowing that people could get hurt over this? you invalidated peoples feelings and their mental state just to get attention? what the actual fuck. if ur pre......   reply
12 12,2020
Mia :P 15 12,2020
it's fine, I hope you really did learn your lesson and you don't do that again; be cautious next time because as you stated before, a lot of people felt offended, disgusted, and angry. ngl i was part of the people that were disgusted and angry but at least you realized your mistakes so thank you.   reply
15 12,2020
muffin 15 12,2020
Although I myself was pretty disgusted and pissed about that post, I'm glad you have come to realised your mistake and have apologised, though I shall not be entirely forgiving. Please think before you post something.   reply
15 12,2020
yumi 15 12,2020
was gonna type in "poo poo poo poo poo" cause of the title but ive read it now ill say ......   reply
15 12,2020

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