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Yes,I give out my info bc I wanted to be in an unhealthy relationship so they can drive me into insanity and I can blame them for my death but i'm seeing someone and its healthy bc we both have everything in common   reply
11 12,2020
Uhhhhhh well this was pretty random but uh this kid, younger than me asked me out,he was with like 4 dudes too and they just kept looking at me smiling and stuff laughing (probably was a dare) this was during middle school and I’ve never seen him before but uh he’s like “hey can I have your phone number?” I’m like wtf? I was eating chips ......   reply
11 12,2020
I’ve never been asked out that way but that sounds scary (⊙…⊙ ) I would hate that. Actually a guy did ask me out on a dare once TT it was so mean. But another girl asked me out a year or two later really politely and we dated (≧∀≦)   reply
11 12,2020
yeah he got my # from a friend. kept chatting with him because I was lonely but he started telling me about his wiener touching habits so I blocked him. He's friends will all my friends so uhh   reply
11 12,2020

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