learning japanese!

Tak Tak 2016-03-23 04:26:18 About learn japanese chinese korean
i've learned a bit on my own and i'm taking lessons online, but i'm also going to take some classes next year c: so far i've only nailed down the basics like how hirigana, katakana and kanji work and a few phrases, but nothing too big yet. i've also started learning a bit of korean, but not too much. i plan to learn it after i get the hang of japanese so that there isn't a lot on my plate. :^)


airi suzuki March 24, 2016 2:11 am

they are from real japanese people not anime i love c ute and buono first i know buono because of shugo chara opening song honto no jibun they were in side of my video like right of my video their dress attracted me so i checked it out it was so much fun my first live honto no jibun then it went on after a year my fav was airi so she was from c ute so i started to watched it is fun check it out

airi suzuki March 23, 2016 8:31 am

i know how to talk in japanese i have started it in 2014 because of my classmates i have learned it easier because we talk to each other in japanese looking at the paper not only one classmates but whole and school too after all i was the junior school pupil leader so i should know everyone in the school not should i have known everyone before becoming the leader i have been in that school for 4 years now i changed school well i wrote my whole history well i have learned japanese a lot i also listen songs in japanese becuase it helps u to learns the new words by hearing new songs if u want to check japanese songs of girls look hello project in hello project there is a lot of team like c ute,berryz koubou,morning musume,buono,aa well the lyrics are written by tsunku a guy

Takeshi March 23, 2016 6:22 pm

i've also listened to songs in japanese (mainly anime openings because they're easier for me to memorize) they really do help ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ and i'll definitely check out those songs. thank you!

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