Bruh, it's fiction/ Which are u?
It's literally "fiction". Want me to define it?
SOmethinG iMAgInaRY thAt dOESNT eXisT.
Want me to define anime/manga/manhwa/manhua ?
DrAWinGS wiTH cOloURS. CoLOurEd LiNES. CurVED LiNES mADE iN a SHapE OF SOmethING KindA simiLAr to A human.
Well then Mangago community. Which are u?
Yaoi and all other genres are fiction.
Yaoi and all other genres are not fiction.
(except if they're purposely made to be realistic, but we can see that most aren't).
So stop hating on ppl who like incest, rape, omegaverse, gangrape, threesomes (and more), shota, psycho shit ...etc
I for example, hate a lot of genres, but i do respect others who do. YeT When i LIke soMETHing alL THey DO is HATE.
If u want to hate then go hate in pornhub and in hentai sites cause they're all rape, incest and etc.
Sometimes they're really incest. Go hate on real stuff and leave me alone to read my sinful content.
I know i'll get a lot of haters but HAH FEEL FREE, WHAT ARGUMENTS WILL YOU USE? I WONDER.